hazzan Diana Brewer was ordained through the aleph ordination program. she leads prayer services regularly at the jewish community of amherst, and is on the staff of the davvenen leadership training institute.

Day 1 חסד שב חסד

Today, this first day of the Omer, I am to embody all there is to embody about Chesed. Some ideas from my favorite Omer pages:

"The continual flow of love in the universe without limit. The journey begins with an invitation to know that we are loved absolutely. This shall be my meditation day and night: I am loved, I am cherished for being exactly who I am. And through this love, I bring forth blessing." (Rabbi Yael Levy, miskhan.org/omer)

Exercise for the day: Find a new way to express your love to a dear one. (aish.com)


Aish notes that love is giving and receiving, placing a particular emphasis on giving. R'Levy's page focuses on receiving divine love. Today we pray to find creativity and generosity in love, and for the removal of those blocks that prevent us from receiving love. I appreciate the balance of these two pages. Giving and receiving.

Day 3 תפארת שבחסד

Day 2 גבורה שבחסד