Moatzei Shabbes, May 4
Love. Generosity. Abundant Giving. Flow within Beauty. Balance. Harmony. Heart. Compassion.
Oh, I could use some Balance right about now! The fact is, I feel a little stuck. Small wonder, having spent more hours on the couch in the last 5 days than in the last 5 months collectively.
I also must confess to succumbing, more than is my usual wont, to negativity, with all the household health issues going on. Well, mostly it has to do with my daughter’s tendency to express sadness and frustration as anger directed as us. It wears thin. The constant poisoned darts make it hard to access the Compassion so much needed at this time. Making it just the perfect moment for Flowing, Abundant Love inside a Heartful of Beauty, Balance, and Harmony.
Sometimes these Omer days seem to perfectly express what I’m feeling or experiencing. Sometimes, like today, they tell me in no uncertain terms what the nature of my spiritual practice needs to be. This is, after all, a repair job. Certainly, Chesed and Tiferet need some special TLC right about now.
I would like to commit, for the next 24 hours, to Balancing each negative or constricted thought with Generous, Compassionate one; for taking extra time to look at Beauty - revealed or within. I would like to commit to the tikkun - the repair - of the sefirah of Chesed SheBeTiferet.
Shavua tov.
let the Beauty Flow