Hod SheBe Yesod. Splendor, Humility, Gratitude within Foundation, Grounding, Connection.
As I think of the Splendor of Foundation, Psalm 19 comes to mind. "The Heavens recount G8d's glory; the sky proclaims, 'The work of His hands.'" By now, I've "outed" myself as someone whose Foundation is G8d. This opening scene of Psalm 19 (which I happen to be studying just now) just shouts Splendor! to me. To be sure, the usual association with Yesod - Grounding, Foundation - is the Earth beneath our feet, something to root to. However, today we find ourselves in the Hod - the Vertical aspect - of the Grounding. What image more apt than the Heavens singing G8d's praise? What are the climactic, the Peak aspects of the things in which you find Grounding, Connection?
Sticking with this text, the psalmist goes on to write, "There is no speech, and there is no expression whose sounds go unheard." Rabbi Edward Feld, in his book Joy, Despair, and Hope: Reading Psalms, points out that this can be a rather unsettling statement. Really? Every expression I have gets heard? A Humbling thought, indeed. I become aware that it may be wise to examine the things I want to express. I'm not so much into sin and punishment theology, but in Humility, I am aware that the things I do and say actually have an impact on others. In short, it matters. When I am Grounded in Source, my awareness is keener, and my patience and compassion extend beyond my ungrounded limits. Does your Foundation provide you with ways to find a healthy Humility?
Today, let us enjoy the Splendor of those things which keep us Grounded and Connected. Let us bear in mind that our expressions are heard and felt. Let is be Grateful for whatever it is that provides us Foundation.
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