hazzan Diana Brewer was ordained through the aleph ordination program. she leads prayer services regularly at the jewish community of amherst, and is on the staff of the davvenen leadership training institute.

Omer Day 37 גבורה שביסוד Gevurah SheBiYsod

Strength. Boundaries. Discipline. Discernment. Restraint within Bonding. Foundation. Creation. Connection. Roots. 

This is my day. What can I say? I'm a Gevurah Girl. I delight in routine, practices, Discipline. I Bonded with a friend yesterday over our mutual love of spreadsheets! I'm a nester. I like to put down Roots. I'm one of those people who can't lie down in a hotel room upon a groggy arrival, even bone tired, without unpacking some stuff and finding places for things (JS knows!). I'm a Connector. I'm the jogger who looks up to see if the oncoming person wants to share a good morning smile, too. I've never been one of those singers who keeps my gaze floating mysteriously above the heads of the audience. No, I go for the eyes. But I know when to go back to the floating gaze, too.

Besides Bonding over spreadsheets and where I plant my eyes when I sing, how else do these two come together today? I'm thinking of the importance of Boundaries within Connections. I love spending the weekend with my family, and I'm ready for us to become individuals again, come Monday. I love the idea that a relationship comprises three entities - each person + the entity that they form together. If we didn't each have a life of our own, there wouldn't be much of interest to talk with my wife about at the end of the day. 

Playing some mix and match with my little word collage above, I find Discernment and Foundation gravitating towards each other. Where are you setting down Roots? Is this a good place to develop a Foundation? Creation takes Discipline. I'm sure, even though I don't really get his style, that even Jackson Pollack was practicing some sort of Discipline in his Creativity (anyone who knows better is welcome to correct me on this!). I need to know when to stop working a tricky musical passage before reaching the point of diminishing returns.

I get a special glow around the word in the first place up there. Strength. While I have stated clearly that I am a Connector, I must also admit that forming a Connection is a very vulnerable thing for me, and requires a strong dose of a variety of types of Strength.  I am certain I'm not alone in this (and neither are you). I am grateful for the people in my life who encourage this Strength, and who are Strong enough to receive me in my vulnerability. Now those are people I can take Root with.

May you be blessed today with Strength in your Connections. May your Roots find the right soil to support your Strength. 



Omer Day 38 תפארת שביסוד Tiferet SheBiY'sod

Omer Day 36 חסד שביסוד Chesed SheBiYsod