hazzan Diana Brewer was ordained through the aleph ordination program. she leads prayer services regularly at the jewish community of amherst, and is on the staff of the davvenen leadership training institute.

Omer Day 18 נצח שבתפארת Netzach SheBeTiferet

Endurance. Will. Horizontal. Day-to-Day. Victory. Leadership within Beauty. Glory. Art. Harmony. Balance. 

I’m so grateful for my little mix and match game. I really never know what’s going to come out when I start writing, but seeing the various facets twinkle before me opens the pathways. What catches my eye right now is the idea of Victory within Harmony. What a wonderful world it would be. Leadership within Balance. There’s more than a few Leaders that could stand to learn a thing or two about that... 

Last night, I found myself in a discussion about that ever-elusive thing known as the Divine Will. As the sun went down while I sat with my friends, I honed in on the settling in of Netzach SheBeTiferet. The discussion revolved around loving acts of service and presence in understanding this Will. It also took a very interesting turn towards the necessity of Endurance - physical, mental, and spiritual - as a crucial element in a service-oriented approach to life.

How true that is. When faced with the bad hair days or moments (mine or my daughter’s or aforementioned Leaders’), it can feel impossible to imagine maintaining an Enduring sense of Harmony or Balance, or to Lead from a place of Beauty, which is just what it takes to ride out such times. There are times when I engage my Will in just the right way to achieve this, and times that I fail utterly. I had an epic fail yesterday with the resident ‘tween. 

The good news is that the failures are just passing moments like all the others. Yesterday’s fail turned into the Victory of the restoration of a Harmonious connection, as we both worked to recover from this rough spot. The big picture - the Horizontal long view - is that on a Day-to-Day basis I am always working towards, for, and within the principle of Harmony and Balance.  May it be so for each of us.



Omer Day 19 הוד שבתפארת Hod SheBeTiferet

Omer Day 17 תפארת שבתפארת Tiferet SheBeTiferet