Eternity. Perseverence. Victory. Will. Leadership. Horizon within Horizon. Leadership. Will. Victory. Perseverence. Eternity.
It's wondrously gigantic, isn't it? I noted way back in the week of Chesed that I sometimes experience a disconnect between the idea of tight or narrow places as times of hardship and wide open spaces as times of freedom and goodness. I get it, but I also have a tendency to feel overwhelmed by too much space. I like corners, nooks, etc. Remember? That is why I'm intrigued by the fact that, as I think of the most expansive version of Netzach SheBeNetzach - Eternity within Eternity - I feel a deep happiness and calm. I'll take it.
I experience this calm as a release of/relief from pressure. It means I don’t have to be perfect. It means I get another chance. It means that as long as I Persevere in my partnership with G-d, there will be Victories on the Horizon as I stumble forward.
Besides the Expanse, there is another aspect of Eternity that I, for one, don't think about too often (and I bet I'm not alone). A while back, my mentor Hazzan Jack Kessler was good enough to bring the idea of the "microinfinite" to my attention. Let's face it - Eternity is Eternity and can be expanded or reduced infinitely. What is this? To me, it is the presence of the Eternal within every particle, sub-particle, sub-sub-particle... You get the idea.
It's wondrously gigantic, isn't it?