hazzan Diana Brewer was ordained through the aleph ordination program. she leads prayer services regularly at the jewish community of amherst, and is on the staff of the davvenen leadership training institute.

Omer Day 37 גהורה שביסוד Gevurah SheB’Yesod

Strength. Discipline. Restraint. Discernment. Boundaries. Frame within Foundation. Roots. Grounding. Connection. Generative Energy. 

In this time of upheaval (although it is getting better!) I need to cleave to the Discipline of my Foundations. I have a series of daily spiritual practices that keep me together, give me Strength. I am so grateful for this at this time of transition and the changing Structure of our family.

I see the qualities of these Sefirot play out in so many ways as we continue to adapt to our new configuration at home. I see how the Strength of our family Connection carries us through the hard moments, and how our Roots are deepened and Strengthened in the sweet ones. I see how much Structure the little pooch needs to be able to establish some Roots in our home, and the many different qualities of Gevurah necessary to build a Grounded Connection between human and canine. I also see again and again that it’s not so different between human and human.  

One thing this all makes me see is the importance of being in touch with and trusting my instincts. I am honing the Discipline of deepening my Connection with what, as I write, I come to realize is the Still Small Voice. 

May you find Strength in your Roots and Connections today. 


Omer Day 38 תפארת שבישוד Tiferet SheB’Yesod

Omer Day 36 חסד שביסוד Chesed SheB’Yesod