hazzan Diana Brewer was ordained through the aleph ordination program. she leads prayer services regularly at the jewish community of amherst, and is on the staff of the davvenen leadership training institute.

Omer Day 19 הוד שבתפארת Hod SheBeTiferet

Awe. Space. Receptivity. Gratitude within Beauty. Compassion. Heart. Balance. Harmony.

Hod is seated in the left leg, stepping back, making Space. I am finding I need to somehow hit the reset button or something in the wake of last night’s intensity. I suppose it is time to Step Back and Make Space for a new experience. What might that be? 

I guess I have no way of knowing. I am at the very beginning of a new 24 hour period, and am about to go to bed. The whole point is that it is time, after considerable upset to be Receptive to a new experience of Beauty. 

I learned a wonderful prayer recently, which seems  apropos here. The author, a gentleman who goes by Herb K., calls it the Set Aside Prayer. There are a few versions, and one can always create one’s own. Custom made prayer. Here’s a taste: 

Please set it all aside so that I can be taken to a place I have never been, a place I don’t yet know exists. 

It’s a very intriguing thought, as I contemplate another day of staying very close to home. I’m no longer so couch-bound as I have been. Definite improvement again today. But, even if I feel 100% tomorrow (which I’m not banking on), I need to keep taking it easy, take my “well day” as I mentioned a few days ago. 

I am very aware that travel or movement of any sort is not a prerequisite for going to a new, unknown destination. Will I get there? I won’t require it, but I’m open to it. 

Omer Day 20 יסוד שבתפארת Yesod SheBeTiferet

Omer Day 18 נצח שבתפארת Netzach SheBeTiferet