Awe. Space. Receptivity. Gratitude within Beauty. Compassion. Heart. Balance. Harmony.
Hod is seated in the left leg, stepping back, making Space. I am finding I need to somehow hit the reset button or something in the wake of last night’s intensity. I suppose it is time to Step Back and Make Space for a new experience. What might that be?
I guess I have no way of knowing. I am at the very beginning of a new 24 hour period, and am about to go to bed. The whole point is that it is time, after considerable upset to be Receptive to a new experience of Beauty.
I learned a wonderful prayer recently, which seems apropos here. The author, a gentleman who goes by Herb K., calls it the Set Aside Prayer. There are a few versions, and one can always create one’s own. Custom made prayer. Here’s a taste:
Please set it all aside so that I can be taken to a place I have never been, a place I don’t yet know exists.
It’s a very intriguing thought, as I contemplate another day of staying very close to home. I’m no longer so couch-bound as I have been. Definite improvement again today. But, even if I feel 100% tomorrow (which I’m not banking on), I need to keep taking it easy, take my “well day” as I mentioned a few days ago.
I am very aware that travel or movement of any sort is not a prerequisite for going to a new, unknown destination. Will I get there? I won’t require it, but I’m open to it.