hazzan Diana Brewer was ordained through the aleph ordination program. she leads prayer services regularly at the jewish community of amherst, and is on the staff of the davvenen leadership training institute.

Omer Day 34 יסוד שביסוד Yesod SheBisod

Foundation. Roots. Creation. Connection within Gratitude. Awe. Wow! Peak. Humility. Glory.

I’m happy to say that I got my miracle! I was right - the plague has not miraculously ended, alas. However, having set such a clear kavannah - intention - for myself for the day, I managed to greet every fit of pique my teenager threw my way with equanimity. And there were more than a few. I’m sure I’ll have more human days in the future, but I’ll take the miracles with Gratitude where I can get them!

And speaking of Gratitude… When I see Foundation in Gratitude, I can only think that that is the basic story of my spiritual practice. Pretty much the first spiritual practice I was given - long before I met and fell in love with Jewish practice - was Gratitude. I was told to ask for help and give thanks. Day in, day out. My spiritual life truly has its Foundation in Gratitude.

Within a Space of Gratitude, it is possible to maintain a Foundation. When I practice Gratitude, it leads to a gentle place of serenity, in which I feel quite steady, Grounded, like I can draw wisdom straight up from the earth through my Roots.

Gratitude, in my experience, also cultivates a sense of Awe. When I take a moment to give thanks, I stop to think that this life really is a collaboration with unseen goodness, with my Foundation.

Yehudim - the Thanking People. Is it any surprise that the first words we are to utter each morning, at first awareness are, “Modah ani lifanecha!” I am Grateful before You, living and sustaining Guiding Source! We are told to offer 100 brachas - blessings - each day. Take 100 opportunities to give thanks and acknowledge the Foundation of the whole thing.

Having been so firmly Rooted in Gratitude, it was not a huge leap to embrace what I found in Jewish spirituality. I am Grateful that I did.

For what are you Grateful today? Where do your Foundations in Gratitude lie? May the moments you take to acknowledge Creation lead you to moments of Awe!

In other news... Zoom Services!

Omer Day 33 Lag B’Omer לג בעומר הוד שבהוד Hod SheBeHod