Love. Generosity. Extension. Outreach within Foundation. Roots. Creative Energy. Life Force.
Of course, when I think of Roots these days (more than ever), I think of my dad (z”l). Both of my parents, really. They have always been a pair, a team. And Chesed just about sums it up when I think about what is contained within those Roots.
In ways I surely didn’t understand as a kid, dad was extremely Generous. With us children, he definitely modeled the principle of dan l’chaf z’chut - judging things in the best possible light. He was Generous with his time, with his attention and energy. He had gentle and subtle ways of Extending, Reaching Out. I think he knew the limits of what cranky teenagers could tolerate in the Outreach department.
I draw on the example I was given as I provide a Root system for my own little apple. I know I do not always measure up to my own aspirations, but Generosity allows for that.
My wish for us today is that we practice Generosity with ourselves as we continue to grow in our own Foundations. May we Extend Love freely to those whose Foundations we have a part in providing.