Wow! Space. Receptivity. Awe. Peak. Glory within Roots. Grounding. Foundation. Connection. Creation.
Hod goes UP! Yesod is firmly on the Ground. Marvelous! It makes me think of trees. Which makes me think of…
One morning, on my not-quite-daily jog, I was stopped in my tracks by the sight of the reflection of the trees on the water of “Paradise Pond,” which I often go by on my favorite route. Wow! The water was so still, and it looked for all the world as though the trees were growing up and down at the same time. I said to my ever-present Companion, “G8d, only YOU would think of a way to make the trees grow up and down at the same time!” It was truly a Hodelicious moment.
Trees, of course, are always growing up and down at the same time. It is their Foundation that enables them to reach the great heights that they do. However, if they were all Roots, we would not have the benefit of their cooling shade, their splendid flowers, a place to hide out (if you’re a good climber).
I guess what I’m saying is, Yes! Plant yourself firmly and stay Grounded in your Foundations. AND reach for the clouds, lift your eyes up to the mountains, and make Space for wonder and Awe. Be Receptive to mystery in the ordinary as you walk (or jog) along the path.