Love. Generosity. Unbounded Giving. Outreach. Right Hand. Extension within Reality. Actualization. Sovereignty. Selfitude. Shechinah.
Once a month, I receive spiritual direction with a wonderful woman who uses writing as the primary medium for the work. We check in, then she gives me a prompt. I write until I am done, and then read aloud whatever came out. We discuss. Wash, rinse, repeat. We usually go through about three prompts per session.
As I took in today’s sefirotic mystery, I found myself being brought back to the session I had with her this week. The writing I did on our first prompt led her to a second prompt of: What are you giving these days?
Why did I go there? If Chesed is a type of Active Love, and Malchut is the expression of how things play out in Reality, that question is a slam dunk for today!
It can also be turned around: What are you receiving these days?
In either direction, I posit that if you take a few minutes to reflect on one or both of these questions, you will end up feeling a nice little dose of warm fuzziness.
May the Love you have in your heart find its way to Actualization. May you feel the Reality of the Generosity of others.