hazzan Diana Brewer was ordained through the aleph ordination program. she leads prayer services regularly at the jewish community of amherst, and is on the staff of the davvenen leadership training institute.

Omer Day 43 חסד שבמלכות Chesed SheBeMalchut

Love. Generosity. Unbounded Giving. Outreach. Right Hand. Extension within Reality. Actualization. Sovereignty. Selfitude. Shechinah.

Once a month, I receive spiritual direction with a wonderful woman who uses writing as the primary medium for the work. We check in, then she gives me a prompt. I write until I am done, and then read aloud whatever came out. We discuss. Wash, rinse, repeat. We usually go through about three prompts per session.

As I took in today’s sefirotic mystery, I found myself being brought back to the session I had with her this week. The writing I did on our first prompt led her to a second prompt of: What are you giving these days?

Why did I go there? If Chesed is a type of Active Love, and Malchut is the expression of how things play out in Reality, that question is a slam dunk for today!

It can also be turned around: What are you receiving these days?

In either direction, I posit that if you take a few minutes to reflect on one or both of these questions, you will end up feeling a nice little dose of warm fuzziness.

May the Love you have in your heart find its way to Actualization. May you feel the Reality of the Generosity of others.

Omer Day 44 גבורה שבמלכות Gevurah SheBeMalchut

Omer Day 42 מלכות שביסוד Malchut SheBisod