hazzan Diana Brewer was ordained through the aleph ordination program. she leads prayer services regularly at the jewish community of amherst, and is on the staff of the davvenen leadership training institute.

Omer Day 29 Chesed SheBeHod

Love. Generosity. Unbounded Giving. Outreach. Extension within Peak. Awe. Receptivity. Wow! Splendor.

Today we marked Sheloshim. A group of people I am proud to call both friends and students put together a remarkable hour of spiritual beauty to help my family and me rise from the first month of mourning my dear father (z”l).

Seriously Unbounded Giving in a Splendor of Love. Wow! Having this experience in the hours well before we entered this new Omer day was like a sneak preview, and now I get to carry the experience around with me to remind me of what happens when you combine Chesed with Hod.

I didn’t think I would write tonight - I am kind of fried. There were plenty of feelings that arose during the service, including a rather unfortunate teenager moment during a very tender part of the service. For better or worse, it opened the floodgates. I’ll put it in the “better” column, even though it’s not how I would have chosen to have the floodgates opened. Good to have a good cry, and also rather exhausting.

After moving from not writing at all, I had a whole other plan for what I would write - something VERY brief. What is coming out was nowhere on the map. I am grateful to have the chance to write about it. After a surge of joy towards the end of our wonderful gathering, I then felt quite glum for the rest of the evening. Now, having a chance to reflect on it before I drift into my nightly recharge, I get to build a new memory of the whole thing. At least, I get to focus on the part that is all about the Splendid Extension of Love that really was rather Awe-some. That feels like a much better way to end this day.

I would like to leave you with a bit of wisdom from the resident teenager - the same one that can shatter my serenity in an instant. This was to be the whole post, but also serves as a nice blessing. She has these words on a little sign board that she keeps in her room:

Don’t count the days, make the days count.



Omer Day 28 Malchut SheBeNetzach