Endurance. Eternity. Leadership. Victory. Horizon within Love. Generosity. Boundless Giving. Outreach. Lovingkindness.
1) Labor of Love. Love of labor. Showing up with Generosity even when the last nerve is at its last intact millimeter.
2) Triumph of Love. Ahavah Rabbah - Divine Love is Eternal. In my Eternal finitude, I Reach, stretch, long for a taste. It has been there all along.
3) Lead from Love, and I will gladly follow. I am not Leading if you are not following. Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh. I will be what I will be. But not without You.
May you be blessed today with the Love that will help you Endure. May you find the Endurance that will help you Love. May you Lead and be Led from Love and Love whom you Lead and follow. May Divine Love be yours today.