hazzan Diana Brewer was ordained through the aleph ordination program. she leads prayer services regularly at the jewish community of amherst, and is on the staff of the davvenen leadership training institute.

Omer Day 22 חסד שבנצח Chesed SheBeNetzach

Love. Generosity. Outreach. Lovingkindness within Eternity. Victory. Leadership. Day-to-Day. Long Haul.

1) The train door slides shut. Yes, I have everything. No - wait. I have nothing. The train slides into the tunnel. Gone for good. I have nothing. No - wait. I have everything. A kind stranger. Finally, the Loving arms of a lifelong friend. The years since our last embrace slide into the space of a single breath. There is no substitute for longevity.

2) Oh, how my senses bristled at the sound of your voice. How did that voice become a soothing balm over almost a quarter century? Turns out, the Eternal knows more about Love than I do.

3) We knew right away. We were given ample opportunity to fall apart. You did not let me drive you away. I did not let myself run. Looks like we’re in it for the Long Haul.

Today, may the longevity of your Love sustain you. May the Eternal guide your Love. May you delight in the Victory of us fathomable Generosity.

Omer Day 23 גבורה שבנצח Gevurah SheBeNetzach

Omer Day 21 מלכות שבתפארת Malchut SheBeTiferet