Discipline. Structure. Discernment. Withholding. Strength. Boundaries within Presence. Reality. Actualization. Shekhina. Majesty. Sovereignty.
1) How am I to discern between Reality and the thing my mind tells me is true? It’s simple, really: my mind is crowded and noisy, and Your Voice is still and quiet, G8d of Surprises.
2) Sometimes, Withholding is the best thing for a relationship - judgement, criticism, motives… If I can Withhold these things, we can truly meet in Presence.
3) Head. Feet. Shoulders. Knees. Chest. Thighs. Abdomen. This is the scaffold that holds open the gates of prayer.
Today, may your wise Discernment lead you to true Reality. May the Structures you have put in place lead to hopes and dreams Actualized. May you find Strength in loving Presence.