Humility. Space. Gratitude. Receptivity. Splendor. Awe. Wow! within Foundation. Connection. Creation. Grounding. Roots.
1) Modah ani - I am so grateful. Smiles. Presence. Companionship. Reassurance. Encouragement. Honesty. Trust. Freedom. Affirmation. Compassion. Laughter. Music. Prayer. Nourishment. Connection. Without number, like the sands of the sea and the stars of the sky are the gifts I have Received from you and you and you and you and you and…
2) Silver lining doesn’t even begin to describe the way the light plays around the edges of the clouds. Every morning, through my eastern-facing window, the Splendor of Creation is on display again and again, perpetually renewed.
3) A momentary lapse. What do I do? How do I proceed? I make Space for the wisdom at the Root. I don’t have to figure it out.
Today, may you find joy through the Gratitude of Connection. May you know where you fit in the scheme of the Foundation. May the Splendor of Creation fill you with wonder.