Greetings! In an unusual move, I have a little something to offer outside of my usual 49 days of the Omer.
I have been engaging in a wonderful, and very simple beginning Mussar practice. For those who may not know, Mussar is a system of cultivating and balancing spiritual attributes or soul traits - Middot. Traits such as Trust, Patience, Humility, Truth. Each of the Middot we work with is a balancing act. For example, Patience is a virtue, right? Well, too much patience has its own problems, too.
Through the guidance of Greg Marcus at, I receive one practice each week. This week, my middah to practice is Silence - Sh‘tikah.
I’ve been continuing to write micropoetry at night, much of which is inspired by my jogs through the woods, and by my mussar practice. Here’s one that popped out last night, which I like well enough to share…
Varieties of Silence / Unplugging to hear the holy clamor of the trees/Of Riversong.
The silence that is not speaking/The silence that is speaking/But saying nothing.
The ringing in my ears./The music in my head.
I count my breaths - 1, 2, 3, 4…
The silence of shame./The silence of presence.
The silence of not knowing/And the wisdom that has the space to enter.
Blessed is the G8d of Diversity.