hazzan Diana Brewer was ordained through the aleph ordination program. she leads prayer services regularly at the jewish community of amherst, and is on the staff of the davvenen leadership training institute.

Omer Day 15 חסד שבתפארת Chesed SheBeTiferet

Kindness. Light. Generosity. Boundless Giving. Outreach. Love within Compassion. Balance. Beauty. Harmony. Heart.

New Light on Spring moss

Reaching Out for Heart connection

The birds Give freely of their Harmonious chorus from above

Loving Compassion with a friend in need

A day of restful Balance

The relentless Beauty of the flowers

After their long winter’s nap

Omer Day 16 גבורה שבתפארת Gevurah SheBeTiferet

Omer Day 14 מלכות שבגבורה Malchut SheBigvurah