hazzan Diana Brewer was ordained through the aleph ordination program. she leads prayer services regularly at the jewish community of amherst, and is on the staff of the davvenen leadership training institute.

Malchuyot - Zichronot - Shofarot (2 of 3)

I will let this one speak for itself…


Why do I leap

To thoughts of Eternity

When I think of Memory?

Is it because Memory and Time

Are practically synonyms?

And Eternity is

All Time and

No Time?

Or maybe it is because of

All the things

I’d rather not remember

  • Those moments

Of being bound at the altar

Of watching the flood waters rise

Of the awareness of the emptiness

Of my womb

To not remember means

No I and no Thou

And where would that leave me?

I would forget

That I was remembered

I would forget that

The crucible of those moments

Formed me more and more

Into the image of the Compassionate One

I would forget that

Without shadow

Light is meaningless

Malchuyot - Zicrhonot - Shofarot (3 of 3)

Malchuyot - Zichronot - Shofarot (1 of 3)