hazzan Diana Brewer was ordained through the aleph ordination program. she leads prayer services regularly at the jewish community of amherst, and is on the staff of the davvenen leadership training institute.

Omer Day 3 תפארת שבחסד Tiferet SheBeChesed

Beauty. Splendor. Compassion. Heart. Art. Harmony. Balance within Generosity. Love. Outreach. Lovingkindness.

May All Who are Hungry Come and Eat

Welcome to our Seder Table!

2 - 80+

Rainbow of pronouns and family constellations

Broad Spectrum of Neurotypes

New friends and old

A first Seder here, a who-can-count-how-many(th) Seder there

The familiar sound of the model train running its route

Have you seen M & J’s rats?

“Sure, you can join me. But I’m not feeling chatty.” “That’s just fine. I could use the quiet, too.”

Don’t mess with Opa’s Martinelli’s!

The teenager, dragged reluctantly, joyfully declares she could have earned babysitting money any time, but this kind of fun only happens once in a year.

Can’t carry a tune? That’s OK - we’re in Splendid Harmony.

Mo’adim l’Simcha - Blessings of Joy in this Season

Omer Day 4 נצח שבחסד Netzach SheBeChesed

Omer Day 2 גבורה שבחסד Gevurah SheBeChesed