hazzan Diana Brewer was ordained through the aleph ordination program. she leads prayer services regularly at the jewish community of amherst, and is on the staff of the davvenen leadership training institute.

Omer 5784 Day 8 חסד שבגבורה Chesed SheBiGvurah

Love. Generosity. Outreach. Lovingkindness. Light. Gratitude-in-Action within Strength. Boundaries. Discernment. Structure. Power.

Am I the only one who just

Doesn’t wanna


I would find that almost

Impossible to believe

I can’t be that

Terminally unique

The question then is

What can I do - even just

One small act -

To sweeten the deal

When it’s time to

Return to the grind?

Omer 5784 Day 9 גבורה שבגבורה Gevurah SheBiGvurah

Omer 5784 Day 7 מלכות שבחסד Malchut SheBeChesed