Hod SheBeChesed. What a wonderful kaleidescope is Hod! Humility, splendor, presence, determination, surrender, acknowledgement, gratitude.
I certainly come into this day with humility and with gratitude. After falling far short of my hopes for a day of Tiferet within Chesed, I was given a chance to practice inviting Eternity into my responses to life yesterday, and felt redeemed.
As I ponder the kaleidescope of ideas held within Hod, I find a thread that stitches them together. If I am present, I have the space to acknowledge what is truly happening in the moment. If I can acknowledge reality, I can surrender to WHAT IS. If I am surrendered to WHAT IS, I am in a state of humility, which can aid my determination to walk through the situation at hand. When all those things are working together, I am certainly full of gratitude, and am resplendent!
In the Recovery community, a common definition of humility is the ability to see ourselves as we truly are - no better, no worse. Also, being able to see ourselves the way G8d sees us. As I focus today on Hod within Chesed, I hope I can step back and see myself from this perspective, and also to see those around me this way.
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For a couple of different Omer counting guides try mishkan.org or chabad.org