hazzan Diana Brewer was ordained through the aleph ordination program. she leads prayer services regularly at the jewish community of amherst, and is on the staff of the davvenen leadership training institute.

Day 6 יסוד שבחסד

Yesod SheBeChesed. Rootedness, foundation, connection, union.

In this day, we look back to our roots, and we look forward to the hope of fruit of the seeds we have planted. 

Seeds require special care if they are to flourish. They require Chesed. What are my seeds, those efforts or people to whom I am a foundation? How am I tending to them? Am I connecting? Am I providing a foundation for them in which to root deeply?

Where are my roots? Who and what has given me a foundation in which to grow deeply? For my Chesed to flow forward and nourish my creations, I must be open to receive the flow of the Chesed that has been given to me from my foundations.

When I give freely of my Chesed, it leads me to be more bonded with the one with whom I share, to whom I give. When I make efforts to bond, my desire to give to another expands.

And, of course, all of this becomes infinitely more possible when I am remembering to seek union with the Source of All Blessing. 

For the abbreviated version, visit me on Twitter.

For a couple of different Omer counting guides try mishkan.org or chabad.org


Day 7 מלכות שבחסד

Day 5 הוד שבחסד