Sovereignty. Dignity. Majesty. Selfitude. Within Love. Generosity. Kindness. Expressive Love.
This is a powerful day. We began the week wrapped in Divine Chesed wrapped in our Chesed in infinite permutations. In that place, we were open to broadcasting the Divine Chesed residing within us, and to having our Chesed brought into the world through the Divine Intention.
We've spent the week exploring, dwelling in each of the six sefirot that lead up to this moment, balancing and harmonizing our energies and intentions for bringing Love and Generosity into the world around us. Last night, we began to root to a firm and flexible foundation found in Yesod, created by the commingled energies of the previous five days. Today brings it all together.
Selfitude. Today, we stand in Dignity at "the semipermeable membrane between divine and human realms." (From R' Marcia Prager's The Path of Blessing) A place in which we stand face to face with the Indwelling Presence - Shechina - in and through which we can be exactly the selves that we are meant to be. We can give that which is passed directly to us through the membrane as we receive it, and the Presence can receive and amplify that which we have to give. We can give without fear of losing our grounding, without fear of toppling.
It dawned on me this year that, except in years when the Malchut days of the Omer fall on Shabbat, we get to spend TWO DAYS each week dwelling in Malchut. What a thrilling realization! (I will look forward to exploring what happens when these days do align...) It is said that on Shabbat we receive an extra soul. As I picture this place of the semipermeable membrane and this intimate exchange with Shechina , I feel I understand that idea for the first time. It's hard to find words to describe my experience of this and for that I apologize.
May you be blessed today with full realization of your Giving self. May you experience, even for a moment, the intimate exchange with the Presence. May you luxuriate in the expanse of the extra soul that enables you to give freely, as your heart desires.