Foundation. Grounding. Generative Energy. Connection within Connection. Generative Energy. Grounding. Foundation.
My Foundation is truly found within my Connections. My Connections to G-d, to other people, to practices and interests. These are the things that keep me Grounded in this life, which can turn extra interesting without notice. As a friend of mine once said, “G-d never asks my permission...”
This is a good moment in an extra interesting moment in my life to have a day of Yesod SheB’Yesod. As unfocused as I’ve been in some ways (baby brain all over again), I have often noted in the last two week how much worse it would be if I did not have some very strong Foundations in my daily pattern of living. Each day starts with tapping into my Connection with The Source, through meditation and prayer. I stay Connected with my family and with friends throughout the day, touching base, asking for help, being of help, sharing gratitude, you name it.
”Head in the clouds, feet on the ground,” as another friend of mine once said. My Connection to Divine opens my mind to the limitless Generative Energy at my disposal - sky’s the limit. My Cnnection with my fellow Earthbound travelers keeps me firmly planted on the Ground.
Yes, just what the Doctor ordered right about now.