hazzan Diana Brewer was ordained through the aleph ordination program. she leads prayer services regularly at the jewish community of amherst, and is on the staff of the davvenen leadership training institute.

Omer Day 39 נצח שביסוד Netzach SheB’Yesod

Eternity. Active Principle. Will. Long-haul. Day-to-Day within Connection. Grounding. Foundation.

Relationships take work. It takes Active input to establish and maintain Grounded Connections.  

Friends, we have LOTS of work to do with this doggie in establishing that Foundation! She’s a really great pup, but she has some really bad habits. She also hasn’t entirely figured out that the cat is in charge, and is not a playmate or dinner. It’s tough and tense sometimes. 

Fortunatelly, our family has spent many years of Day-to-Day together, and we are staying in Active communication all along the way. The process of making a decision to become a dog family showed me how strong we are in that department, and now that we’re in it, it reminds me again how incredibly grateful I am to have such Grounded Connections between the three of us. We really need it! We have it because we have put the work in, and we are willing to continue to be Active participants in the venture of Day-to-Day Connection. 

In what areas have you been Active in establishing your Foundations?  Are there any places you may need a touch-up?

May you be blessed today in noticing the ways in which your Active Day-to-Day efforts have established a firm Foundation for you in your life. 

Omer Day 40 הוד שביסוד Hod SheB’Yesod

Omer Day 38 תפארת שבישוד Tiferet SheB’Yesod