Wow! Splendor. Awe. Receptivity. Space. Peak within Shechina. Reality. Actualization. Selfitude. Sovereignty.
I can’t help but think Hod is just built in to Malchut. If Malchut is the Actualization of Divine thought, Wow! There is Awe in that! I suppose that to experience it that way does take some cultivation, though.
How can we cultivate that chain reaction?
Receptivity comes to mind, for starters. I must make Space in myself for Awe in Reality. That involves noticing things and, as I wrote last night, practicing gratitude for the things that I notice, no matter how seemingly insignificant or ordinary.
It also involves being Receptive to OTHER Realities. Let’s take the resident teenager, for example. She stretches me to find my learning edges. Constantly. I can react by getting mad (which I do - definitely a human mom), or I can open Space in myself for her Reality. When I do that, and remember that she is a person going through the most awkward phase of life in the midst of a global crisis, all I can say is Wow! If she throws a few daggers at me between diligently showing up for her online learning, violin practice, workout regimen (gymnast), and personal creative work, well, I can keep breathing and do my best to meet her with love and appreciation.
Today, may you be blessed with Awe in a multiplicity of Realities. May you be Receptive to the Divine Presence all around, in whatever form that takes.