Foundation. Roots. Connection. Creation. Grounding within Shechina. Actualization. Reality. Selfitude. Sovereignty.
Friends, it is the end of what has been a difficult day. This is one of those days where the WWP (Working While Parenting) gig has been especially challenging. I am the work-at-home-mom. I try to leave swaths of time open to be available to my not-so-little one, especially in the middle of the day. Alas, need and availability do not always coincide. Enter Mom Guilt.
At moments like these, it can be hard to discern the Reality I need to plant my Roots in. Sometimes it feels like any choice I make is the wrong one. Here, at the tail end of the week of Selfitude, Sovreingty, I feel surprisingly unGrounded, at least at this moment.
What I do know is that things pass. Things change. “What a difference a day makes…” So, tonight I Ground myself in the practices that have built my Selfitude, that have helped me become more fully Actualized year after year.
I can recall different hardships that sprouted up during the Omer each year since I began with the most basic practice of simply counting every day. Anyone remember the year of the dog??? Over the course of 49 days every year, Grounded in prayer, meditation, counting, writing, I have always seen growth and change. Over the years, I see the cumulative growth and change as I become more fully me. When I don’t know what else to do, I can always count the day.
May you stand firmly upon your Foundation as you face the Reality of difficult choices. May you stay Grounded in what helps you Connect with Shechina. May your Roots grow ever deeper into Reality.