Eternity. Victory. Long-Haul. Horizontal. Endurance within Victory. Long-Haul. Horizontal. Endurance. Eternity.
I didn’t think I had it in me to write this year, apart from the post I wrote a few weeks ago, which came tumbling out quite unexpectedly. But, today, I got a text from a dear friend that opened some pathways, waved a green flag for me, gave me a call to answer. At least, for today. And that’s just what I want to talk about.
Friends, we’re in a Long-Haul global crisis, the likes of which we’ve never lived through before. As much as I wish I thought otherwise, the end is not in sight. I know that this WILL pass, but we truly don’t know when - cannot see beyond the Horizon.
So, how do we muster the Endurance to travel this totally unchartered road? I have been marveling, of late, at the wonderful way all the holy books say the same things. This is not the first time I’ve noticed this, nor can I claim to have read ALL the holy books. Not by a long shot. But I’ve read and heard enough to know that my observation holds water. They really do all say the same things, just in terms that can be understood by those for whom they were specifically written. Even science backs much of what our sacred texts have to say.
To get back to my actual point, one of the teachings that comes up again and again is the secret to Endurance in an Eternity of unknown: Stay in the moment. This definitely falls into the category of things I define as Divine Paradox. On one hand, I must take the long view, lest I get stuck gazing at my navel and start wondering what the point is. On the other, in order to maintain any semblance of joy (which I differentiate from happiness, but that’s another post…), the focus must remain on the here and now. Eternity will take care of itself. I can certainly Endure one moment.
May you be blessed with a day full of moments. May you have Victory through the very shortest view of the Long-Haul.