Beauty. Harmony. Balance within Receptivity. Space. Glory. Awe. Wow!
This morning, I did something totally novel. I showed up to lead Shabbat services with no written plan. Sure, there’s a great plan in the siddur, but I mean I did not make specific decisions about which Psalms to highlight, which melodies to use, where to drop little commentaries, etc. Certainly, when I lead a service, I don’t plan every last detail - one must leave Space for Divine inspiration to flow. I actually tried to make a plan, but something wouldn’t let me.
So, I had to sink totally into Hod mode, and remain open and Receptive to whatever came in. V’haya, im shamoa tishm’u… If you REALLY listen… what happens? I believe this was really an experience of Tiferet - of Balance and Harmony - within Hod. I had to step aside, make Space for the right thing to come through, leave Space between tefillot - prayers - until the next inspiration bubbled up. I am in the habit of leaving Space, but this was different. There is a definite difference between the Space that you make, knowing what is coming and the Space that you leave because the thing that is coming must announce itself before you can move on.
What was this Harmony? I had to be in Harmony with myself and with whatever it is that works through me when I am leading a group through a prayer journey.
There was also definitely some of the fearsome aspect of Awe involved. Those who know me know that I REALLY like to have a plan, in a general way. This was quite a trust fall. All that Space can be a little daunting, but Balanced with a hearty portion of trust, the result is Wow!
May you bring Harmony into the Spaciousness of an open mind. May you experience Beauty in Awe.
Shavua tov.