Love. Generosity. Extension. Lovingkindness within Extension. Love. Generosity. Lovingkindness.
Shalom, chaverim. It’s that time again…
Recently, inspired by a wonderful episode of On Being, I’ve been writing down three brief thoughts - things that I’ve noticed - at the end of the day. I’ve liked that so much, I’ve decided that is my approach to my Omer blog this year. Unless I change my mind…
1) Love, love, love
What do you do when Love does not feel like enough?
Wrap it in more Love.
Wrap Love in an endless spiral dance
Until you know
You are enough
2) Love is an action word
In what ways can you Love yourself today?
To what will you commit?
What Kindness can you offer?
3) I’ve heard it said that, if we want to make a difference in the world,
we should start by concentrating our efforts on the three feet around us.
In a world where three feet is too close for comfort
Perhaps we can spirit stretch to bridge
The six feet between.
Today, may you be blessed with Love, given and received. May your Love be wrapped in Love. May your Kindness stretch as far as it needs to reach. May your spirit open to the Kindness that is striving to reach you.