hazzan Diana Brewer was ordained through the aleph ordination program. she leads prayer services regularly at the jewish community of amherst, and is on the staff of the davvenen leadership training institute.

Omer Day 2 גבורה שבחסד Gevurah SheBeChesed

Strength. Boundaries. Discipline. Discernment. Withholding. Power within Love. Generosity. Lovingkindness. Outreach. Extension.

  1. Another face of love.

    The other side of the coin.

    There is Power in Boundless Love.

    There is Love in Boundaries.

  2. “Soft front, strong back.”

    So says the inimitable Brené Brown.

    Strength in vulnerability.

    Vulnerability IS Strength.

  3. What is Power?

    Sustaining life with Chesed. Enlivening the lifeless with great compassion. Supporting the fallen and healing the sick and freeing the captive.

    So say the rabbis of iniquity.

    So say we. Three times a day if we so choose.

May you be blessed today with the Strength found within Love. May your Discernment mold your Love into a perfect fit. May you find Power in Kindness and healing. May you find healing in Kindness and Power.

Omer Day 3 תפארת שבחסד Tiferet SheBeChesed

Omer Day 1 חסש שבחסד Chesed SheBeChesed